BIFED - Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary


Years running: 12 (since 2014)

BIFED - Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary

BIFED is a competitive festival for documentaries about the state of the world.


We organize this festival in order to create a new reason to produce and introduce films and any other work of art that concentrate on the world’s problems and riches, and to pioneer the creation of a free platform and reward these works. We live in an era where too much information, and input that cannot be considered as information flow at a disconcertingly rapid pace in every plausible channel. We organize this festival so that we could all seek what is more local and smaller, and more importantly the one that is true and genuine together.

The ecological problems are increasing and becoming more and more varied; however, we also witness hope-inspiring developments. We organize this festival in order to create a platform that nurtures this hope. We hope that through our festival, the residents of Bozcaada, farmers, producers, scientists, artists, and all our guests will be informed about the current technological developments, environmental disasters and innovations, the most recent documentary techniques and also about each other’s existence. We hope that our festival will contribute to nurture solidarity.


Fethi Kayaalp Grand Award

Madam Melpo Award

GAIA Student Film Award


  • The Festival’s competition is open to films inspired of environmental issues and produced after January 1st, 2020

The films may be sent in the following ways:

  1. Video links. Entrants may present password protected video-links by providing the link and password information in the submission form.
  2. Entrants may ship the DVD or Flash disc by post/courier: (DVD PAL -zone 0/2- in English or Turkish version).

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

International Competition Jury:

5 jurors of international renomination

Gaia Student Award jury:

3 jurors of international renomination



Bozcaada / Çanakkale

Official Website




Contact Emails

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    January 08, 2024
  • Deadline
    April 01, 2024
  • Notifications
    September 30, 2024
  • Event Dates
    9 — 13 October 2024
Categories & Fees
  • Deadline — €11
  • Deadline — €2
Festivals of Note


3 days

United Kingdom

8 days

United States

14 days


16 days

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